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Three Stars of Week 13

By Richiehero

Third Star

Roberts from LBS, Inc.

Here’s some inside media baseball. 

There were two good suggestions, and a plethora of terrible suggestions. Here are some of the plethora for third star.

Kate for scoring a shootout goal from Filthier. Kate is great…but this is why we fired Cat.

SBJ for shadowing and reffing for the first time. He’s still yet to make his first call.Steve for shutting out Mega on zero shots. Hell, Alexa made a good pass lets give it to her!

No. Yes Roberts got a star last week but he scored the GWG this week when hardly anyone else did anything. Plus he can deadlift more than you (unless you’re Hicks and 2015 Richie)

Second Star

Iannis from Gremlins

We don’t normally give stars for beating Gut Rot but when you score the only two non-empty netters, and literally only one other person did anything this week, you actually do get a star. Poor Goalie Becca. Played great enough to not only get a star, but the first one, but her teammates hate her and didn’t score.

Remember kids, sometimes it’s not what you do, it’s when you do it. Congrats Iannis!

First Star

Craig from Gouging Anklebiters

Craig and Emily must be in the same gang.

Craig shutout the “always potent Rehabs offense” -JW Walker. (Checks stats, Rehabs scored 2 or less goals in regulation/OT in half their games) But still…the Rehabs are the 2nd best team in the league next to the Lbs. and shutting them out is a big deal. Just kidding, they are the 2nd best team next to the Anklebiters.

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