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Three Stars!! (Hint, one of them is not Walker!)

Walker decided that with only 2.5 games this week, there would be no 3 Stars. Well sorry JW, you don’t get to decide there is no Christmas! If there’s one thing we’ve learned recently, you may have your own beliefs, but you can’t push your beliefs on others.

Walker approves this message!

Walker approves this message!

*** Cruffinator
Another email from Hopper! Jenna was not pleased.

Another email from Hopper! Jenna was not pleased.

To all the out of the loopers. There were no good solutions to last week’s Rain Fears. I wanted to cancel the games that were played, Derek and Eli wanted to have the play in games the same day as the Round of 16, and move the cancelled games to the week of the original (and still) play-in date. Tim wanted the Pirates to put in Jeff Locke. But Hopper wanted a real solution. So he emailed all of us. A lot. Many teams were affected but none more than Jenna’s. But Jenna Hero said Filthier will play whenever and wait around the courts all day if need be, we don’t have to reschedule every game to make this work. It was a wrestling real classy move. I hope you fucking lose the a.m. game though.

** Hopper

This is a picture of Hopper's brain while trying to rearrange the schedule.

This is a picture of Hopper’s brain while trying to rearrange the schedule.

While Jenna said don’t worry about it, Dan did. A lot. As I could tell from the 54 emails, 3 text messages, 2 facebook private messages, and one phone call I received. OK, so I initiated the phone call, but still. Dan worked his ass off making the last two weeks count. All so his team could destroy Instant Karma. I hope Chadwick cries. Side note, Dan thinks the Pirates should put in Soria and not Locke. 

* James P. 

Congrats James! You finally get that first star!

Congrats James! You finally get that first star!

Last year James P. scored four goals in a game, but I gave the first star to Luisa, because she had two goals, including the overtime goal. Schuey was really upset that James was given the 2nd Star and not the first, and we had a public spat on Facebook that I wish I didn’t delete. So to make up for it, I’m going to do two things. First, despite James not playing on Sunday, I am giving him the First Star. Secondly, I’m going to give Schuey a never before seen photo of Luisa!



As for Shuey…you were going to get the First Star. I mean you scored the only goal in a 1-0 game and that’s pretty damn impressive. But unfortunately Walker didn’t do the stars this week and I felt I owed you one, so NO STAR FOR YOU!

No Star for Shoe! Come back 1 year!

No Star for Shoe! Come back 1 year!

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