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Poutine Machine at Happy Little Elves

Ladies and gentleman, Dr. Byron Clavicle.

Ladies and gentleman, Dr. Byron Clavicle.

Rich, currently on his home computer writing the Rehabs/Math preview that i asked him for. (oh, yeah, i meant to ask you to write that)

Rich, currently on his home computer writing the Rehabs/Math preview that i asked him for. (oh, yeah, i meant to ask you to write that)

It's ok Marcus, don't cry, there's always next year.  (i wanted a photo of Jo-Ann to use for Poutine's photo, but i couldnt find one.  Then again, i didnt look very hard.)

It’s ok Marcus, don’t cry, there’s always next year.
(i wanted a photo of Jo-Ann to use for Poutine’s photo, but i couldnt find one. Then again, i didnt look very hard.)

Here is the thing:  elves are imaginary creatures.  But, poutine is real (ALL TOO real).  And everyone knows there is no limit to what an imagination can do.

Therefore, in conjunction with this logic: Elves win, 3-1.

Oh, also, Chadwick scores one, as he has the hot hand lately.  He scored his first goal of the season in the last game of the season, ya heard? (Of course you heard, because he won’t stop talking about it.)
Actually, Chadwick won’t even be at the game this week. (Dammit, that means it’s my turn to bring limes)

Rich: How is this preview??  haha.  I was going to make it EVEN lazier, and even MORE obvious that i just wanted to get it over with, but then i wanted to give a shout out to Chadwick.

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